Hello to all of our newest Cougars! My name is Kathryn Heidt, and for those of you who don’t know me, I am the Lower School nurse and new to Collegiate as well. After working for six years as an Itinerant RN in schools all over Henrico County, I am happy to be back at my alma mater. I am here every day during the school year from 7:45 - 3:30. My office is just down the hall from the Lower School front desk. Please stop by and say hello!
Just a couple of reminders as you complete your checklists over the summer. I know sometimes all the forms and paperwork can be overwhelming!
Just a couple of reminders as you complete your checklists over the summer. I know sometimes all the forms and paperwork can be overwhelming!
Regarding Health Forms: All parents of Junior Kindergarten students need to have completed two different health forms --
- The online "student health update" that was sent to you via email --- this form is completed by all parents annually.
- The four-page state health form that includes immunizations, child physical and a pediatrician's signature. This form is available on our website under Lower School Health And Counseling. It is required no later than the first day of school by state law.
Please refer to the Collegiate website under LS Health and Counseling here for suggestions about when to keep a child home, medical action plans and health policies. Collegiate does enforce a 24-hour fever free policy. There will also be a great deal of information in the Lower School Handbook and on our Back to School website.
Some other basics: Any medication, prescription or OTC, must be given to me in the original container...no "loose" pills can be administered. Medicine permission forms are required for children receiving medication at school. Action plans (signed by an MD) are required of students with diabetes, seizure disorder, food allergy or asthma, and are available on our website. Students who have life-threatening allergies must have an EpiPen or Auvi-Q, as well as, a food allergy action plan on file each year. Please be sure you touch base with me if your child has any of these health concerns, or if you have any questions at all. I can be reached at 741-9787 or via email: kathryn_heidt@collegiate-va.org.
I look forward to meeting you and taking care of all of your children!
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