Welcome, Parents of the Class of 2029!

We've created this page just for you, and we hope you find it useful as you and your child get ready for Junior Kindergarten at Collegiate.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Hello from Martha Proutt, your Parents' Association JK Representative

Hi, and welcome to the Collegiate community!

My name is Martha Proutt, and I am the Collegiate Junior Kindergarten New Families Representative this school year.  My daughter Betsy is a rising JK student, and I have two other children – Robert, a rising 2nd Grader, and Ford, who is in pre-school.  I am here to assist with questions that you may have during the year, as well as to provide you with brief reminders for fun school events.  Much of the information may be familiar to parents of current Collegiate students, but may still be helpful reminders.

I know it is still July, but the start of school is just around the corner and our little ones will be off to start their "school career"!  In their sweet little minds and lives, this is probably one of the biggest events thus far.  You have prepared them for this amazing journey they are about to embark on, so hopefully I can provide information to better prepare you…..

Speaking of starting school, here are some helpful reminders -

  Collegiate tote bags are provided in lieu of backpacks for all JK students. Most of you picked up your child's tote at the spring play date; if you did not, you may pick it up anytime in the LS Admission Office.  If you gave your child's tote to the Cougar Shop to be monogrammed, you may pick it up after Aug. 17 from the Cougar Shop.

•    Be on the lookout for any Collegiate emails from the Business Office regarding forms you have yet to complete (i.e. lunch order form, health forms etc.) and other pertinent information.  Also, the Back to School Website will launch soon and will be sent to you directly via email.  It's got lots of good information, so be sure to read through it. 

•    Classroom assignments will be distributed mid-August!

Now, let's have our kiddos meet again to get to know each other more - if your fun summer plans allow, as well as if the weather permits, please join us at First Presbyterian Church’s playground
Thursday, July 30, from 4-6 pm I sent an email invitation to everyone, I hope you got it!  Also, be on the lookout for a Mom's Night Out evite in August and Parents Social in the fall.

So, for now, I urge you to explore the Collegiate website, enjoy your summer and contact me with any questions. Please feel free to email me with any questions at marthaproutt@gmail.com.   Otherwise, see you soon!  Until then, I hope you and your children enjoy these remaining long, hot, lazy days of Summer.


Martha Proutt

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